
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ditched by Robin Mellom - OPTIONAL

Mellom, Robin Ditched: A Love Story Hyperion, 2012. $16.99 275 pages.  Content: Lanugage: PG-13 (77 swears; 22 Gods); Sexual Content: PG-13; Violence: G.  

Justina and Ian are best friends, so when Ian asks Justina to prom she thinks it will be fun to go as friends.  But little things that lead up to prom cause Justina to see Ian in a different light, and maybe she wants to be more than friends with her best friend.  The night of prom should be the best night of her life, but it ends up being a bunch of missed opportunities with Ian and Justina finds herself assuming the worst about herself and Ian.  Most of the book is the night of prom, with a few flashbacks from Ian and Justina’s relationship before prom night.  

I found this book very frustrating because the main character and the best friend kept missing each other.  Also the main character wasn’t very strong, she doubted herself all the time and was a bit whiney.   Another thing to keep in mind is that some of the minor characters talk about sexual things and there is drug use.  

HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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