
Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Mean Mike by Michelle Knudsen- ESSENTIAL

Knudsen, Michelle.  Big Mean Mike.  Illustrated by Scott Magoon. 40 pgs. Candlewick, 2012. $15.99. PICTURE BOOK Content: G. This story is about a big mean dog named Mike who doesn’t ever want to ruin his reputation.  One day a little bunny shows up in his car.  He made sure no one was around and put the bunny somewhere safe, telling the bunny to never come back.  The next day there were two bunnies in his car. The bunnies kept on coming each day until there were four of them.  Finally, Big Mean Mike went to a monster truck show but the bunnies showed up again.  He had no other choice but to take them with him into the show.  What will his friends think?  I liked the illustrations and how Mike turned out to be nice even though his reputation was to be big and mean.  Pre-K. EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL.  Student Reviewed:  JL- age 9.

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