
Friday, September 14, 2012

Beauty by Lisa Daily - ADVISABLE

Daily, Lisa  Beauty Razorbill, 2012.  $9.99 279 pages.  Content: Language: PG (Swears: 4; God: 12); Sexual Content: PG; Violence: G.  

Molly goes to the county fair with her friends and after she embarrasses herself in front of the guy that she has been crushing on forever, she runs to a quiet corner of the fair, where she meets Dharma.  Dharma claims that she just wants to paint Molly’s picture for practice, but while she is painting the picture she asks questions about Molly’s dreams.  Molly wishes that she was the prettiest girl in the county.  The next morning Molly wakes up with her wish granted and draws the attention of everyone in the neighborhood and school with her beauty.  There are a lot of perks to being pretty, including getting the attention of the cute boy she was crushing on, but as she starts to lose herself to the popular crowd, she loses the affection of her true friends and her new boyfriend.  In the end Molly realizes that she just wants to be herself again, but worries whether or not Dharma can help her again or if she will be able to keep her cute boyfriend.  

This is a good book about realizing you need to be grateful for who you are and I really liked the main character until she started being mean to impress the popular crowd and then it was almost too frustrating to keep reading.  The ending was satisfying though.  

MS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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