
Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink - ADVISABLE

Zink, Michelle  A Temptation of Angels Dial Books for Young Adults, 2012.  $17.99  435 pages.  Content:  Language: PG (2 swears); Sexual Content: PG-13; Violence: PG.   

Helen wakes in the middle of the night to her mother frantically packing Helen’s stuff and opening a secret passage in her bedroom wall.  Helen is given specific directions to find the Channing brothers and then her mother closes the passage and Helen hears her parents being killed.  Helen finds the Channing brothers and starts to learn that she is a lesser angel and that the other lesser angels have been murdered, leaving Helen and the two Channing brothers left.  Griffin, the younger Channing brother, is smitten with Helen and they start to train her to fight against those who are trying to kill them.  Griffin also introduces her to Galizur and his daughter, and she finds out that as lesser angels they are protecting the time continuum, so that other people cannot manipulate the past or the future.  As Helen and the Channing brothers start to uncover the plot of the assassin, Helen finds that she knows the boy causing the problems, Raum, he used to also be a lesser angel, but has crossed over to the demon’s side with the promise that he will be given the key to the time continuum to undo the misdeeds of his parents as well as the deaths that he has caused.  As Helen helps Raum understand the errors of his way, they come face to face with the demon who has started this war.  

This book has a fast storyline and engaging characters.  It has a satisfying ending and the rules of the paranormal world all tie together nicely.  

MS, HS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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