
Sunday, September 30, 2012

The False Prince by Jennier Nielsen-ESSENTIAL

Nielsen, Jennifer, The False Prince. Scholastic Press, 2012. Pgs. 342. Language: G, Violence: PG-13, Sexual Content: G

Sage has been an orphan since he was 10. When he’s not stealing to try and help put food on the table for the other orphans at Mrs. Turbeldy’s orphanage, he’s getting into trouble. Sometimes together. When Sage gets trying to steal a roast for the orphanage, he gets bailed out by Connor, an advisor to the royal family. He soon discovers that the royal family has been killed and their youngest son has been missing and presumed dead from a pirate attack that occurred 4 years earlier. Attempting to prevent the kingdom from falling into evil regent hands, Connor has acquired four orphan boys to train and pass off as the missing prince. When one of the boys is killed trying to run away, Sage realizes that the only way to live is to get picked as the replacement prince. If he doesn’t get picked, he will be killed along with the other “loser.” To make matters worse, there’s a couple of other dark secrets that are lurking about that could destroy the kingdom. Will he succeed in becoming the replacement prince? Will Sage be able to save his home?

The characters are likable and well-developed. The plot is well-paced and intriguing. An excellent read as well as great audiobook, readers will be on their edge of their seats wanting to know what happens next. EL (5-6), MS. ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

One of a Kind by Ariel S. Winter -ADVISABLE

Winter, Ariel S., One of a Kind. Aladdin, 2012. PICTURE BOOK

Alexander is the only child who isn’t a twin a his school. He tries everything he can to duplicate himself. Will he succeed  or will he learn to love himself as he is?

A fun book for young children who are trying to discover their own identity or just like a fun read aloud. PreK, EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian. WHI Public Library.

The Amazing Adventure of Paddy Platypus-NOT RECOMMENDED

dePaolo, Tomie. Ill. by Tom Swimm. The Amazing Adventure of Paddy Platypus. CreateSpace, 2012.

Paddy was a platypus who lived is Tasmania. When he was young, he liked to swim and could swim faster than any other of the platypuses. When Sir Hugh, a director of waterways, meets Paddy and sees how fast he can swim, he asks the platypus to represent Tasmania in the World Championship Swimming Finals in the United States. Paddy is a little reluctant at first, but after talking to platypus elders, he decides to go. Paddy has a hard time adjusting to his new surroundings. Can Paddy learn to adjust? Will he win the championship?

An excessively long picture book. The text of the story is really simple and taxing to read at times. The illustrations are fun to look at, however, and do add some dimension to the text. Older readers who are into platypuses as seen on Phineas and Ferb might enjoy this book, but would not recommend to most readers. EL (K-3). NO. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

Broom, Zoom! by Caron Lee Cohen-ESSENTIAL

Cohen, Caron Lee, ill. by Sergio Ruzzier. Broom, Zoom!  Simon and Schuster, 2010. PICTURE BOOK.

A little alien and a young witch both want a broom. Alien needs it to clean up a mess. Witch wants it to go fly. Will the two be able to compromise and be friends?

With fun pictures that tell half the story and simple, easy to read text, this cute picture book is perfect to share with toddlers and preschoolers as we near Halloween.

PreK only. ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian WHI Public Library.

Day by Day by Susan Gal-ADVISABLE

Gal, Susan, Day by Day. Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. PICTURE BOOK.

When some pigs build a house, they try to make their life sweet. They plant a garden, make new friends, and even have a feast. Toddlers will like the pictures and simple text. A great read aloud for preschoolers. PreK, ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

The Mark by M.R. Bunderson-ADVISABLE

Bunderson, M.R., The Mark. Cedar Fort, 2010. Pgs. 280. Language: G, Violence: PG  Sexual Content: G

She’s had it forever. A tiny mark on her hand. One day, however, while looking at the freckle underneath her microscope she discovers a tattoo. Soon she meets Eric and others who have the same mark. What does the tattoo mean? How are they all connected?

A fun, intriguing story with a little bit of romance for mystery fans. Although the action doesn’t happen until towards the end of the book and the print’s hard to read, the clues and character relationships are entertaining and hold the reader’s interest. With a cliffhanger that leaves several questions unanswered, readers will surely want to read the inevitable sequel. MS, HS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.