
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It’s Milking Time by Phyllis Alsdurf - OPTIONAL

Alsdurf, Phyllis  It’s Milking Time  Illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher  Random House, 2012.  $16.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G  

A little girl goes through all of the steps of milking cows on their family dairy farm.  In the morning she is in charge of gathering the cows from the field and pushing them towards the milking barn.  Her father connects the stanchions to the cows and she provides the cows with food.  She also feeds the calves in another room.  After they have milked the cows they clean up all the equipment and the milk is taken by truck to other places to make into butter or poured into bottles.  The little girl is proud of the way she helps her family on the farm and as she goes to bed she reflects on the fact that they will start the next day with the same chores because milking takes place every night and morning.  The illustrations are pretty, but the writing style is inconsistent- at times the story reads like a poem and other times is it just told like a story.   

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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