
Friday, August 10, 2012

Fenway Fever by John H. Ritter-ADVISABLE

Ritter, John H.  Fenway Fever, 224 pgs.  Philomen, 2012.  $16.99  Language- G.  Violence-G.  Sexual Content-G. 

A young 12 year old kid nicknamed “Stats” is a huge Red Sox fan.  His father works at a hot dog stand at Fenway Park.  Stats is concerned when the Red Sox start another losing streak, and teams up with one of their pitchers, Billee Orbitt, to try to figure out a way to save the team from the once again being cursed.  They crunch numbers, investigate and try to determine what, if anything, might be done to save the Red Sox from further embarrassment. 

This is a great book for any baseball fan, but especially a Red Sox fan like myself.  Although fictional, there are a lot of similarities between the characters in this book and real life Red Sox players.   I really enjoyed this book.  It was an easy read.  It was funny and exciting.  

EL.  ADVISABLE.  Student Reviewed: JL- age 16.   

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