
Friday, August 10, 2012

Endlessly by Kiersten White - ESSENTIAL

White, Kiersten Endlessly  HarperTeen, 2011.  $17.99 400 pages.  Content:  Language: PG (1 swear); Sexual Content: PG; Violence:  PG.  

Evie is trying to live a normal life with her boyfriend Lend, but the paranormal agency, IPCA, she used to work for keeps trying to get her to help control the paranormal world.  While IPCA falls under new management and Evie fights for her independence from  the agency, she also has a problem with the Faerie Realm who keeps insisting that she is the only person who can correct the hole that allowed paranormals in the world in the first place.  With threats on her boyfriend’s life and a few friends that manipulate Evie to get her to see what needs to be done, Evie starts to prepare to heal the Faerie Realm.  Evie with the help of her sister and boyfriend creates a gate in the universe for the Fae to return to their own protected world.  

This is a great ending to a fun trilogy.  The main character has a sense of humor and the minor characters are creative and enjoyable.  The ending was satisfying and completed a good series.  

MS-ESSENTIAL; HS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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