
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You Have Seven Messages by Stewart Lewis - OPTIONAL

Lewis, Stewart You Have Seven Messages, 289 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2011. $17.99. After her mother dies, Luna discovers seven unheard messages on her mother's phone. As she listens to them, she begins to question what she knew about her mother's life. Unable to let these questions go, she investigates her mother's last days. Along the way, she finds help from mysterious neighbor Oliver, a successful model, and various other people.

The character of Luna provides a glimpse into the life of a privileged NYC teenager, and the frequent mentions of big name celebrities (including actors and fashion designers) will interest some students. The story moves more slowly than the premise suggests, however. It lacks the sense of urgency apparent in most mysteries and is, instead, more of a journey of discovery. Unlike many such journeys, however, it is lacking in emotion in many spots, and unlikely twists and turns make it difficult to become truly lost in the story. In addition, the dialogue is often stilted, and Luna's thoughts are frequently so far beyond her years that they do not ring true. HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Caryn.

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