
Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Girl is Trouble (Book 2) by Kathryn Miller Haines –ADVISABLE

Haines, Kathryn Miller The Girl is Trouble (Book 2)  160 pgs. Simon Spotlight, 2012. $10.98.  (Rating: PG)
Iris is finally getting to help her Pop out with his investigations! She has a case of her own –the Jewish students at her school are being harassed. When some photo’s of her mother’s dead body stir up her questions about her death, Iris has another case to solve. Things seem to be pretty bad when she suspects her best friend, Pearl in the first mystery, and her Uncle Adam in the second. Complicating matters is her crush on rebel Benny and her Pop’s dangerous investigation.
I am LOVING this series! (see my review of  Book#1 in thisseries: The Girl is Murder). I love the historical setting (1950ish), and the characters are memorable and fun. The plots are interested and complex without being confusing. Students will have a great time following Iris’s investigations!
MS, HS -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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