
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nerd GIrls by Alan Lawrence Sitomer-ESSENTIAL

Sitomer, Alan Lawrence, Nerd Girls. Disney Hyperion, 2011. Pgs. 220. Language: G, Violence: PG, Sexual Content; G

Maureen knows she’s nothing like the three p’s-pretty, popular, and perfect. The Three Ps love to torment her and a few other girls.

Maureen, in an attempt for revenge, bonds with two other girls and enters the school talent show. Only, the 3 friends are struggling to find a talent good enough to beat the Three Ps.

Beanpole and Q, who are on Maureen’s team, have wonderful relationships with their moms. Maureen’s relationship with her own mom has always been a little off. After watching Beanpole and Q, Maureen begins to change her relationship with her mom. Will the three win the talent show? Will Maureen men her relationship with her mother?

The writing style is delightful and up to date. A fast and easy read with humorous style and flare. The characters are well-developed and grow in a very logical way and achieve the greatest character growth of all-true friendship. Readers who like realistic fiction, friendship stories, and books with strong characters will enjoy reading this book. MS. ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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