
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Justin Thyme by Panama Oxridge –NOT RECOMMENDED

Oxridge, Panama Justin Thyme (The Tartan of Thyme) 360 pgs. Inside Pocket Publishing, 2012. $9.99.  (Rating: G)
Justin is a rich smart 13 year old, who lives with his family in a castle, has a tutor and spends his time inventing. When he receives a mysterious watch for his birthday, it presents quite a puzzle. Justin decides to build a time machine, even though his father warns against it. Adding to the mystery is a strange man who wanders in and claims to be his grandfather. When his mom is in danger –Justin must take a creative course of action.
This convoluted hoity book was the bane of my stack of books to review. It was jam packed with action, characters, hints, and mysteries –like a tornado – I just wanted to hide in my basement. There was also reference to prior adventures, like this was the second book in a series, and it doesn’t look like it is –at least in the US –so it was very confusing. I don’t think students will relate at all to this character and his life situation. The plot was over the top, overly complex, and just plain overkill.
Elementary – NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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