
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Who Do You Think You Are? Be A Family Tree Detective by Dan Waddell--Essential

Waddell, Dan.  Who Do You Think You Are?  Be A Family Detective.  Candlewick, 2011. $19.99.  Content: G.  NON-FICTION.  Who do you think you are?  Are you related to a King?  A rockstar?  Well with a little bit of research and a whole lot of fun, you can find out about your ancestors.  In this entertaining and interactive book, young genealogists will learn detective tips on how to find and evaluate information.  Kids will learn about the history of names, stories pictures tell, important documents, and brief overview of how children used to live in different ages, starting in 1833 and going until the 1940s.  Author, Dan Waddell, teaches young genealogists how to conduct an interview with a parent or grandparent and even gives sample questions to get them started.  The illustrations are a hoot and are delightful addition.  Some of the most engaging features of this book are the envelopes and lift the flaps.  Several materials are for personal use only such as a family tree, index cards, and an independently hard-back bound My Treasure Book; however, this book does a fantastic job in explaining an important and trendy topic.  EL-Essential.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.

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