
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sway by Amber McRee Turner -OPTIONAL

Turner, Amber Sway 320 pgs. Hyperion Book CH, 2012. $11.35.  (Rating: Violence G, Language G, Sexual G)
Cass’s Mom is always away on her job –she helps rescue people during disasters like floods. But when she finally returns home, things go awry, and Cass is left behind as her mother takes off on another trip. Cass’s Dad decides its time for the two of them to go on a summer road trip in the their old RV. Its on that trip that he shows her the family magic of Sway –which seems to inspire people. Cass wants to use Sway on her mom, and bring the family back together.
That actually sounds like a great plot, but the reality is that it’s overly long, full of descriptions that are gritty (words like: hot sticky stinky dirty), tons of made-up language, and characters that are boring. Worst of all -students that carry through past that, hoping for some real magic, will find only the made-up variety and some life lessons that are sure to disappoint. Adults love books like this, students will not be so pleased.
ELEMENTARY – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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