
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spotty, Stripy, Swirly, What are Patterns by Jane Brocket - ADVISABLE

Brocket, Jane  Jane Brocket’s Clever Concepts: Spotty, Stripy, Swirly, What are Patterns  Millbrook Press, 2012.  $25.26  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G    

This is a book of photographs that explains what patterns are.  It asks the reader to find patterns inside buildings and outside in nature and explains how to make patterns.  I think this would be a fun book for an art class to show how we can make or find patterns in everyday items.  It would also be fun to do as a photography lesson and have students find patterns and take pictures of their finds.  The book is bright and colorful.  The explanation are simple, so that elementary kids can understand, but not so elementary that it couldn’t be used in a middle school classroom.   

EL (K-3)(4-6)-ADVISABLE.  MS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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