
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sparrow Road by Sheila O’Connor -ADVISABLE

O’Connor Sheila Sparrow Road 256 pgs. Putnam Juvenile, 2011. $12.31.  (Rating: PG)
Raine’s mom unexpectantly drags her to this unusual artist’s colony for the summer. Its both a bit strange and a bit creepy. Although it used to be an orphanage long ago, the beds are still there. No one staying there is allowed to speak before 5pm. But almost from the start Raine makes friends with the artists living there. While she finds out about the mysteries of the house, a mystery in her own life is revealed. Raine does a bit of life-learning and growing up.
This was an interesting and sweet coming of age book. I think students will be engaged by the layers of mysteries and find themselves enjoying Raine’s character. The plot is complex without being complicated. The setting is wonderfully created and there are some subtle life lessons.
ELEMENTARY – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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