
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready - OPTIONAL

Smith-Ready, Jeri  Shift Simon Pulse, 2011.  $17.99.  367 pages.  Content:  Language: R (67 swears; 25 “F” words; 31 Gods); Violence: PG; Sexual Content: R.   

Aura’s boyfriend died, but instead of going towards the light he became a Shade, which is a tormented spirit that stays on earth.  In a world where everyone under the age of sixteen can see ghosts, a Shade is seen as a threat.  Once someone becomes a Shade they aren’t supposed to be able to turn back to a spirit, but somehow Aura turns her boyfriend, Logan, back to a spirit who still has the potential to move on.  As Aura is trying to figure out what makes her different she comes to terms with losing Logan as a human, they agree to be best friends.  Aura takes up her quest to figure out who she is with a guy, Zachary, who has been waiting for her to get over Logan.  Aura and Zachary have to avoid getting caught by the government who is suspicious of their role in the Shift, which is the point when the world could start seeing ghosts.  

 I enjoyed the overall story, it’s fast paced and hard to put down; however, the language and sexual content was distracting.  Also the main character kept waffling between the two boys and leading them both on, which was frustrating to read.  HS-OPTIONAL.   

Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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