
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Leading Ladies by Elizabth Cody Kimmel-ADVISABLE

Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody, Forever Four: Leading Ladies. Grosset and Dunlap, 2012. Pgs. 212. Language: G, Violence; G, Sexual Content: G

Paulina, Tally, Miko, and Ivy are back and are starting to put together their second edition to their magazine, but things aren’t going as peachy as they would like. Miko is swamped with schoolwork and her other friends, the PQuits, forcing her to be on the school’s Homecoming dance committee. Overwhelmed, she takes a leave of absence from the magazine. Tally tries to help out with the next issue, but is busy trying out for the school play, Annie. Feeling she’s destined for the part of Annie, the magazine takes a back seat to her theater dreams until she gets laryngitis shortly before auditions. With a bad case of the flu going around that’s getting in the way of making their deadline and two of their friends out for the count to help on the newsletter, can Tally and Ivy do double the amount of the work in the short amount of time they have to finish the magazine?

A funny, endearing chick-lit book. The characters are likable and fairly well-developed. The plot is entertaining, believable, and fairly well-developed. Readers who like realistic fiction, friendship stories, and school fiction will enjoy reading this book. EL (4-6). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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