
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Hen for Izzy Pippik by Aubrey Davis- Essential

Davis, Aubrey. A Hen For Izzy Pippik, 32 pgs.  Kids Can Press, 2012. $16.95. Content: G PICTURE BOOK.  

When Izzy Pippik unknowingly loses a crate off the back of his truck, Shaina is the first to discover his lost hen.  She tries desperately to find Izzy to return his hen.  Even when time passes and it looks like Izzy isn’t coming back for the hen, Shaina will not claim it as her own because that wouldn’t be the honest thing to do.  When the hen lays eggs, Shaina won’t eat them, saying they don’t belong to her.  Eventually all the eggs hatch! When the town is filled with hens, Shaina still holds onto the belief that Izzy will come back to claim his hen.  

This is a great story about honesty and holding onto your beliefs even though everyone around you is trying to tell you differently.  The illustrations are beautiful!  This book could be used in a unit on morals and values.  

Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.

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