
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Frog and Fly: Six Slurpy Stories by Jeff Mack- ADVISABLE

Mack, Jeff. Frog and Fly: Six Slupry Stories.  Content: G PICTURE BOOK.  40 pgs.  Penguin Young Readers, 2012.  $12.99.  This is a simple, fun and colorful book detailing the constant battle between frogs and flies.  With each chapter, frog tries desperately to eat his good friend fly.  In the end of the book, it is frog who gets the ultimate surprise.  We loved this book.  The illustrations are simple yet inviting.  There are few words so it would be perfect for a new reader.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: SL. 

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