
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Duck to the Rescue by Jez Alborough - OPTIONAL

Alborough, Jez  Duck to the Rescue  Kane Miller, 2012.  $7.99  BOARD BOOK  Content: G. 

 Sheep is driving his jeep to the fair and he pulls to the side of the road because he is lost.  Along comes Duck who stops to give Sheep directions, but his directions just get Sheep into more trouble.  His jeep gets stuck in a mud puddle and then Sheep falls in the puddle trying to get it out.  The solution is simple: Duck drives Sheep to the fair.   

The illustrations are colorful, but not my favorite.  The story is told in rhyme and it’s cute enough, especially for little kids who like trucks and animals.  PRE-K-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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