
Monday, June 18, 2012

Alice Miranda on Vacation (Book #2) by Jacqueline Harvey –NOT RECOMMENDED

Harvey, Jacqueline Alice Miranda on Vacation (Book#2) 288 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2012. $11.18.  (Rating: G).
Alice Miranda is on vacation from boarding school, and going to spend some time at home. She has brought her best friend Jacinta along for the trip. Naturally everyone is alight with joy to see Alice, all but one strange new neighbor boy. Other guests to Alice’s palatial home soon start to brew a mystery that will take Alice’s intervention to solve.
Alice is a character that students will have both a hard time relating to along with just plain hating –she is 7 yo but acts 14, is rich beyond imagination, is beloved by all, caring, loyal and full of joy –you know…perfect in every single way. This book is also stuffed with too many characters,  tons of British terminology, incredibly hoity toity everything, and was just plain heinous to read.

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