
Monday, May 28, 2012

Hunted by Cheryl Rainsfield - ADVISABLE

Rainfield, Cheryl Hunted, pgs. 370. WestSide Books, 2011. $16.95 Language- PG-13 (8 swears, 0 “f” words) Mature Content- PG-13  

       The paranormals are on the run from ParaTroopers and the government. Caitlyn and her mom are constantly on the move. They are the only ones left in their family after Caitlyn's dad was killed when he spoke out for paranormal rights. Her brother was kidnapped by a woman while his dad was being killed. Her mom has since lost her paranormal powers. Caitlyn has now enrolled in high school, and she wants to try to live undetected in this city. She begins to become attached to Alex, a para-pro but a normal. While at school, she finds her brother, Daniel, but he is different.. and working for the government. Caitlyn had to find out who she can trust and fight for para rights without being captured and tortured by the government.                  

I found that this book brought out a strong message about segregation. It tells the story of someone who is judged by something that they cannot control. It shows that you have to fight for causes that are judged unfairly. I feel that this book would bring strength to anyone that feels like an outcast or judged against. This book also brings out the fantasy of supernatural powers. It is a powerful book, fun and is a joy to read. 

ADVISABLE - MS, HS Student Reviewer: CG

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