Katz, William Loren.Black Indians:A Hidden Heritage, 272 pgs.Atheneum Books for Young Readers; Updated edition, 2012.$19.99. Violence- PG. Sexual Content- G.Language- G.This is a revised edition of Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage
that was originally printed in 1986.This
edition contains new chapters and photographs.This is a fascinating historical novel about relations between Native
Americans and African-Americans and focuses on the history of “Black Indians.”A “Black Indian” indicates a person with
African- American and Native American parentage. Black Indians lived among the Indians and were
very common in many states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New
Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina
and Florida.White colonists feared that
the “Black Indians” would be a threat to the slave system. This book details
their lives, their struggles and their contribution to American History. I found this book to be not only educational
and informative, but a fascinating read.I continually said to my family, “Did you know that…” and would
repeatedly share with them my new insights and understandings.I think that the book would draw more interest
in high school rather than middle school age students.Anyone who loves history will love this great
book.MS.HS.ADVISABLE.Reviewer: SL.
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