Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Baseball Box Prophecy by Bruce Newbold - NOT RECOMMENDED
Newbold, Bruce. The Baseball Box Prophecy, 550 pages. Hearthsong Entertainment, LLC, 2009. $14.95 (paperback). Language: G; Sexual Content: G;
Violence: PG. Cletis is a twelve year-old boy in 1991, which is when the book is set. In order to join a baseball team, Cletis must be initiated, and that means bothering in the middle of the night an ugly old woman that they all call a witch. She's not what they say she is, a horrible lady who wants to kill them all. But she does open Cletis's world and tells him of a prophecy that apparently he is at the center of. This book was written for me...and yet I hated it. Every night when I closed the book I sighed and wondered if I would have the tenacity to continue. Yet I say the book is written for me because I was that boy in the book (minus the prophecy and the really ugly woman). I rode my bike around, playing baseball all summer. I had my Beckett Price Guide and would always check to see what my baseball cards were worth. Sometimes, as I read the book, I smiled because of the nostalgia that came over me. But usually I was bored out of mind. I think that this book could have been good if about 500 pages were cut out. Really, it should have been a short story written for 30 something men who wouldn't mind spending an hour reliving those summers from the past. But I can't imagine a student today caring enough about Cletis or the prophecy or the references to adolescence in the nineties. This was a horrible book that did not get better. Just go watch The Sandlot. NOT RECOMMENDED. Brent
Smith, Reading Teacher
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