
Thursday, April 19, 2012

In Darkness by Nick Lake –OPTIONAL

Lake, Nick In Darkness 352pgs. Bloomsbury USA, 2012. $11.42. (Language-R Violence-R; Sexual Content-R: Swear content: 45+).
This is two stories in one, which come together in an uncanny way. Shorty is modern day Haitian boy who is trapped in darkness. An earthquake has brought down the hospital that he was in, enclosing him in concrete. His mind begins to wander through is own past, full of gang violence and culture. The other story takes place almost 200 years in the past, it’s the story of Toussaint L'Ouverture, a leader in the revolution against slavery. In the end Toussaint finds himself in darkness as well.
Although definitely in the R category this book is historical and culturally accurate. There are scenes of death, rape, drug use, etc. I think it would be best put to use by an English assigned reading for 11 or 12th graders –where there is the capacity to tease out the themes, meanings, as well as the historical and cultural components. Overall the book is quite overwhelming and without guidance I think most students would put this book down without finishing it.
HS –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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