
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daisy’s Perfect Word by Sandra Feder –OPTIONAL

Feder, Sandra and Illustrated by Mitchell, Susan Daisy’s Perfect Word 88 pgs. Kids Can Press, Ltd, 2012. $11.21.  (Language-G Violence-G; Sexual Content-G).
Daisy love’s words. She keeps lists of words and puts a lot of thought into what words make her feel like. She has favorite words and words she doesn’t like. When her beloved teacher announces that she is moving away, Daisy decides to give her the perfect word. In a world full of words how is Daisy going to find the perfect one?
This is the kind of book that teachers love, but students might not really vibe with. What teacher wouldn’t love an active learner who is obsessed with increasing their vocabulary and enjoying every second of it? Who knows maybe Daisy will inspire! Overall a wholesome and easy to read simple chapter book.
EL – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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