
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bears Beware (Zigzag Kids #5) by Patricia Reilly Giff –OPTIONAL

Giff, Patricia Reilly Bears Beware (Zigzag Kids #5) 224pgs. Yearling, 2012. $4.99. (Language-G Violence-G; Sexual Content-G). Mitchell is a bit nervous about going camping and sleeping in a tent. But all the kids from the Zigzag afternoon center will be there –including his best friend Habib and his older sister. After he is partnered with a strange boy for a nature walk –he is really worried. Will Mitchell get eaten by a bear or will he end up having a good time?
This book wins the award for being the shortest book with the most characters and plot elements. Part of the character over abundance could be due to the fact that this is the 5th book in the series, so the groundwork has been laid out, leaving this book feeling rushed in the introduction department. I think beginning readers would find this book a confusing read. Older students would find it too boring. EL – OPTIONAL

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