
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Unforsaken by Sophie Littlefield - OPTIONAL

Littlefield, Sophie Unforsaken (Hailey Tarbell Series #2), 288 pgs. Random House Children's Books,  2011 (October). $11.98. (Language-PG (Swear count: I don’t remember any, Violence-PG13; Sexual Content-PG) Hailey is descended from a long line of healers who came to the United States from Ireland.  This story continues from the first book, Banished.  Hailey, her aunt Prairie, and her little brother Chub have fled from General Prentiss who is trying to force them to use their powers to create zombies from those that have just died.  The three have gone to Milwaukee, changed their names and assumed new lives.  For the first time in Hailey’s life she seems normal – regular clothes, regular friends, a regular life.  But Hailey misses her boyfriend Kaz who is a seer.  They devise a plan to stay in touch with each other.  They are careful, just not careful enough.  Their scheme is found out; the General is after them.

 The story is told primarily in Hailey’s voice.  However, other voices show up throughout the story.  The story is built around the conflict of Hailey & Kaz fighting to be free from the General and his evil plans.  While I think girls will like the story I didn’t really connect to the characters until the final scenes.  There are some scenes that contain some moderate violence – bombing, shootings, etc. and that is why I gave it a PG13 for violence.
 HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: W. Child - Cyprus High Library Media Specialist

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