
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder -- ADVISABLE

Wunder, Wendy The Probability of Miracles, 357 pgs. Razerbill, December 2011. Language-PG-13 (about 30 swears); Sexual Content - Pg-13; Violence-PG.

After struggling with cancer for five years, doctors tell 17-year-old Cambell that there's nothing more they can do. What she needs is a miracle. So her mother packs Cam and her younger sister up and they make their way to Promise, Maine, a town known for it's miracles.

It took me 100 pages to really get into the book, and about as long to like Cam. Probably because I knew that she was going to die, since she had terminal cancer, and I didn't want to get attached. But I did. Cam is very sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor. She grows a lot over her summer in Maine. Overall, it was a good book. One I think teens would enjoy. Definitely one for high school.

HS -- ADVISABLE. Rebekah, youth services librarian

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