
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pregnant Pause by Han Nolan - OPTIONAL

Nolan, Han Pregnant Pause, pgs. 340. Harcourt, 2011. $16.99

Language- PG-13 (54 swears, 0 "f" words) Mature Content- PG-13      


Eleanor Crowe has made some bad decisions, been in some bad places. She mostly thinks of herself and doesn't think of the consequences of her actions. Now she is sixteen, pregnant, and married by force. She doesn't really have a choice anymore and now, being pregnant, she has to think about someone other than herself. So many questions she has been asking herself. Am I really such a bad person? Do I really love my husband? What is going to happen now? It's time to grow up and figure out the future.                  

This book is slower, starting in the middle of the action and reciting the past in flashbacks. It was a good book, but not something I would read again. It has some good points.

Student Reviewer: CG

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