
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Nightmare Garden by Caitlin Kittredge - ADVISABLE

Kittredge, Caitlin The Nightmare Garden, 432 p. Random House, 2012.  $18.  Language: R (60+ swears, 0 ‘f’).  Aoife (Ee-fah), 16, Has discovered that the necrovirus is a hoax perpetrated by the Proctors who want to keep Magic for themselves.  As the Half Human/Half Fey who unleashed destruction upon her city, however, she is a fugitive – one who is determined to return to her city, no matter the cost, and release her mother from her imprisonment in iron – the iron that has been driving them all crazy.  

All along her way, however, Aoife will make the same mistakes all head-strong characters seem to make – leaping before looking.  She will leap into traps set by her enemies; she will leap into mistakes that could have been avoided had she just taken a moment to think.  For all of her mistakes, however, you have to admire Aoife’s grit.  I just hope that in the next book she actually makes some choices – maybe dangerous ones – but choices, instead of being used by everyone around her.  I am not sure why the swear count shot up so high in this one – make it hard to justify it for a middle school.  HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher

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