
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Little Green Goose by Adele Sansone - OPTIONAL

Sansone, Adele  The Little Green Goose Illustrated by Anke Faust  North/South, 2009.  PICTURE BOOK $16.95  Content: G  Mr. Goose wants a child of his own.  When none of the farm hens will share an egg, Daisy the dog finds Mr. Goose a big egg that he dug up.  Mr. Goose lovingly waits for the egg to hatch and is excited to see his new green scaly baby.  (It is obvious that the baby is a dragon, but it is never said in the book).  The father and baby are happy together, but when the baby hears the disapproving talk of the other farm animals, it decides to go find it’s real father.  After the baby can’t find any other animal that will claim it, he/she gets hungry and returns to Mr. Goose who is happy to be its father.  

The illustrations are cute and the story has a good moral of appreciating those who love you.  
El (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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