
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Interrogation of Gabriel James by Charlie Price - OPTIONAL

Price, Charlie  The Interrogation of Gabriel James  170 pages Farrar Straus Giroux, 2010. $16.99.  Content: Language PG-13 (28 swears; 5 God); Violence: PG-13; Sexual Content: PG-13.  Gabe is a junior in high school and feels as though he is always just getting by especially since his father has left them.  Gabe had a girlfriend, but once her dad found out that they had gone on an overnight camp trip, he could no longer date her.  In an attempt to move on, Gabe becomes interested in a girl at school named Raelene, but when he tries to find out more about her he becomes aware of her unusual home life.  Gabe is also keeping an eye on the town bum who seems to be leery of some criminal activity in the town that involves missing pets.  In the format of an interrogation from two cops, Gabe tells what he knows of two murders and Raelene’s family’s secret.  

I thought the interrogation format was a great way to uncover the mystery.  The story is not easy to relate to, it has a more true crime feel to it.  

HS - OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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