
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eye of the Sun by Dianne Hofmeyr –OPTIONAL

Hofmeyr, Dianne Eye of the Sun 336 pgs. Aladdin 2011. $6.99. (Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G, Language: G).
This book is the sequel to Eye of the Moon, which I reviewed here. There are quite a few plotlines that come together. First we find Isikara and Tuthmosis sneaking back to Thebes to contact Tuthmosis’s younger brother, the current ruler-Amenhotep. They want to let him know the real story of their departure and to help him stop his advisor/High Priest Wosret.
Additionally –we follow the story of Ta Mui, who originally helped the pair escape, she is now the Maidservant to one of Amenhotep’s lesser wives, Kiya. When Ta Mui falls in love with a handsome boy named Samut –she finds herself in a heap of trouble. Ta Miu and Isikara end up in jail together –they have to find a way to escape and help Tuthmosis before Wosret ruins everything.
I can’t stress enough that this sequel cannot function as a stand alone. It was so complex with plot and characters that much of the richness of setting and the cultural appeal fell to the wayside. I didn’t enjoy this book half as much as the first one and I felt like the ending was far from realistic, which contrast with the gritty lives depicted in the plot. If you have the first book this is a probably a must-have none the less.
Elementary – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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