
Monday, March 5, 2012

Dear Santa, Please Come to the 19th Floor by Yin - OPTIONAL

Yin Dear Santa, Please Come to the 19th Floor, illustrated by Chris Soentpiet.  Puffin, 2011.  PICTURE BOOK $7.99 Content: G. Willy and Carlos are best friends in a hard neighborhood.  Both boys are convinced that Santa won’t come to their scary neighborhood, especially because their apartment doesn’t have a chimney.  Willy writes a note telling Santa that he will stay up on Christmas Eve so that he can show Santa how to get to their apartment.  On Christmas Eve, Santa does show up, but the elevator doesn’t work, so he has to take the stairs to the 19th floor, just when it doesn’t seem that he will make it, he does.  Santa brings a present for both boys.  
This is a different take on Christmas Eve than the more traditional Night Before Christmas fare, but it could hit a target of students who find themselves wondering if Santa can make it into an apartment building.  EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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