
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cold Case by Julia Platt Leonard - OPTIONAL

Leonard, Julia Platt Cold Case, 281 pgs. Aladdin, 2011. Language - PG (3 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Oz doesn't like his older brother being his boss, but when he has to get up at six in the morning to go into work Saturday morning, is no exception. That's when Oz stumbles upon a crime scene in the restaurant. Oz's older brother is suspected of the murder and is taken to jail, while Oz and Rusty work to solve the mystery--or at least give reasonable doubt--without being killed themselves. 

I enjoyed this murder mystery, but it went by too fast. There were so many things intertwined that it shouldn't have been solved so fast. Plus, when the murderer finally explained to Oz what happened, it was too much information to take in at once and became confusing. 

MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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