
Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sharp Time by Mary O’Connell –NOT RECOMMENED

O’Connell, Mary The Sharp Time, 240 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2011. $11.98. (Language-PG13 Swear Total: 6, Violence-PG13; Sexual Content-PG)
After the death of her mother, 18yo Sandinista Jones is very much alone. Although her day to day life is stable –she owns her home and a car and has enough money to pay the bills, her personal life is a shambles –she is utterly alone. When a teacher at her school is “mean” to her, Sandinista stops going to school, gets a job at her favorite clothing store, and contemplates revenge.
Flat out –this book was a chore to read. It was “overly artistic” - never thought I would say that- via a plethora of descriptive words, maybe trying to show us Sandinistas unique world view but the result was just uninspiring and irritating. I detested her obsession with the school teacher that was mean to her. It filled nearly half the book. It was worse than reading a teen’s obsession with a member of the opposite sex –because the teacher was boring and wasn’t even that evil. At one point I swore that if she mentioned her again, I would throw the book across the room. But then I remembered I was a mature adult book reviewer that needed to read the whole thing –but I don’t think teens will have a problem pitching this book after the first few chapters.
HS – NOT RECOMMENED Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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