
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ripple by Mandy Hubbard -ADVISABLE

Hubbard, Mandy Ripple, 260 pgs. Razorbill, 2011. $11.55. (Language-G, Violence-PG; Sexual Content-PG13.)
At the age of Lexi has inherited the family curse, and its not a fun one. She is a Siren, doomed to spend her nights swimming and singing, instead of sleeping. Oh, and any man that hears her song will come out into the water and be drowned. This includes her first boyfriend. Overcome with grief and dealing with her secret, Lexi withdraws from her former life. When a special someone, or two, comes into the picture –her life is turned upside down.
This is a very typical supernatural romance novel; linear plot, very little attention given to the sub-characters, very little adult supervision, and of course the romance that overcomes all. But that being said, it was actually a fun read. The sexual content was minimal, the supernatural element was unique, and if you have still having a blitz on this genre in your library –this one is a good one to add to your collection.
MS, HS – Advisable Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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