Purdie Salas, Laura. A Leaf Can Be…, illustrated by Violeta Dabija. $17.95. Content: G. PICTURE BOOK.
This rhyming book explores the many roles that leaves play in nature. From “snake concealer” to “rain stopper” the illustrations and simple words explore the world of leaves. We enjoyed the illustrations and the variety of uses in this book. Some of the animals and characters are absolutely adorable! The book ends with, “A leaf is a leaf- a bit of a tree. Now go and discover what else it can be!” Obviously teachers could use this to further student imagination and discovery of leaves and their uses.
Pre-K. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL.
This rhyming book explores the many roles that leaves play in nature. From “snake concealer” to “rain stopper” the illustrations and simple words explore the world of leaves. We enjoyed the illustrations and the variety of uses in this book. Some of the animals and characters are absolutely adorable! The book ends with, “A leaf is a leaf- a bit of a tree. Now go and discover what else it can be!” Obviously teachers could use this to further student imagination and discovery of leaves and their uses.
Pre-K. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL.
Thanks for reviewing my book! I'm so glad you liked it. I love what you said about the ending and imagination...