
Friday, February 10, 2012

The King Who Wouldn't Sleep by Holly Swain-ADVISABLE

Singleton, Debbie.  Swain, Holly.  The King Who Wouldn’t Sleep, 32 pgs. $16.95.  Inside cover:  “There once was a king who wouldn’t sleep-not even a wink!-until he found the perfect prince for his lovely daughter.  Princes came from all around.  Not one of them was right.  But there was someone else watching with an unexpectedly cunning plan up his not-so-royal sleeve…”  This is a great book that could be used in teaching or reviewing days of the week, number sequence, or adding and subtracting.  Students can guess which day comes next, and what number of animals/items the farmer will bring.  The illustrations are bright and playful.  The ending of the story is creative and sweet.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL. 

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