
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In Search of the Sasquatch by Kelly Milner Halls –OPTIONAL

Halls, Kelly Milner In Search of the Sasquatch, 64 pgs. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2011. $15.29. (Rating- Language PG (3 Swears!), G in all others).
This book explores the urban legend of the Sasquatch, with an eye towards investigation and potential fact. It features illustrations, photographs, and interviews. (Including many highly educated believers!). It is chocked full of information and interesting tidbits.
This was a great book, so why am I rating it as Optional? The author has chosen to include a transcript from a 911 call –that includes 3 swear words. While I am not opposed to swearing –coming from this book, in this context, for this age grouping -it was jarring and unnecessary. Other than that I really liked this book and I think students will have as much fun with this book as a book that explores ghosts.
ELEMENTARY -Optional Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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