
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to Die of Embarrassment Every Day by Ann Hodgman - OPTIONAL

Hodgman, Ann How to Die of Embarrassment Every Day, 208 pgs. Henry Holt, 2011. $16.99.  Language G(0swears), Sexual Content G; Violence G; Ann, an girl who has lived a very interesting life, discloses her embarrassing moments in this story. All about toys that were cool and adventures she had playing outside, about growing up and experiencing new things. Funny stories punctuated by pictures from Ann's childhood. To tie it up she includes instruction on how to avoid the situations that have been told in her own autobiography. 

I thought it was filled with only a few embarrassing stories and a bunch of just normal stories. Not very funny, and kind of a let down. You wanna hear about embarrassing stories try my life. Disappointed with how the title and short disclosure of the story prepared me for moments of embarrassment but the book was clean out of any of those stories. EL - OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: KU

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