
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Between by Jessica Warman -ESSENTIAL

Warman, Jessica Between, 464 pgs. Walker & Company, 2011. $11.61. (Language-PG Swear Count: 4, Violence-PG; Sexual Content-PG13.) Drug & Alcohol use.
Elizabeth isn’t quite sure what’s going on when she wakes up the morning of her 18th birthday. She along, with a small group of her best friends partied on her boat and she is having trouble remembering exactly what happened. As she tries to find out, Elizabeth’s life takes an extraordinary turn and she is has to take stock of her life to solve the mystery. Is she more than just a pretty snob?
There is no way to describe this book without giving away all the good stuff. This book was the ultimate page turner and I was read it from cover to cover without stop. There were unexpected depths to this book and it was more than just a mystery, but an in-depth look at life. I think students will have no trouble relating to the characters in this book and might even learn a thing or two about the deeper meaning of life. The drug/alcohol use were teen typical.
HS – ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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