
Monday, January 23, 2012

Will Work for Prom Dress by Aimee Ferris- ADVISABLE

Ferris, Aimee. Will Work for Prom Dress, 272 pgs. Egmont, 2011. $8.99. Language G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’), Sexual Content G, Violence G. Quigley Johnson and Ann are best friends, and both are determined to earn enough money for great prom dresses and use their “Betterment Plan” to be perfect for the big day. When Anne’s mom offers the girls work as models in her fashion design class, the girls agree. Quigley is humiliated when all of the students want to work with Anne-except for Zander. He can’t sketch out his outfits, but everything he makes for Quigley seems perfect. As the two become better friends, all Quigley has to do is get him to ask her to prom! I liked this book. It was a cute, wholesome, feel-good high school romance. Good read! Middle School, High School- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: AL

1 comment:

  1. I actually appreciate every little thing you’ve shared to with me.
