
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vanishing Acts by Phillip Margolin and Ami Margolin Rome -ADVISABLE

Margolin, Phillip and Rome, Ami Margolin Vanishing Acts, 176 pgs. HarperCollins, 2011. $16.99. (Rating: PG in all categories)
Madison Kincaid wants to be a dectective when she grows up –and she figures that now is the best time to start. She decides to “help” her attorney father with his case, unbeknownst to him. Even more worrisome is that her best friend Ann seems to be missing! On top of her self-assigned sleuthing activities, Madison has just started Junior high, which includes soccer and meeting a special boy.
Madison is independent, motivated, and intelligent –a great model for students. This book was fun and easy to read, and I think students will enjoy Madison’s adventures.
ELEMENTARY – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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