Coben, Harlan Shelter (A Mickey Boltair novel), 304 pages Penguin Young Reader’s Group, 2011. $18.99 Content: Language PG-13 (9 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence PG-13. Mickey Bolitar is a 6’4” sophomore who is living with his uncle because his father recently died in a car accident and his mother’s way of coping is to do drugs. On the first day of registration Mickey meets a new girl named Ashley and they become friends. Three weeks into school Ashley mysteriously disappears and nobody can give Mickey a good enough answer to where she went, so he starts an investigation of his own. Along the way he befriends a social outcast girl who becomes his best friend and a computer nerd named Spoon. The clues these three friends find lead them to a strip club where they uncover an abusive and violent manager’s hold over his women employees. This book was a fun mystery with characters that are enjoyable to follow and it is hard to put down. This book has a few violent moments and although the strip club is all implied seedy behavior, I believe it should probably be kept in the high school setting. HS-ADVISABLE. Reviewer, C. Peterson.
I thought that it really showed that Coben has teen boys of his own. This has been popular with my students. (And I may have to order Babymouse Christmas because it looks so festive!)