
Monday, January 16, 2012

Never Sit Down in a Hoopskirt ... by Crickett Rumley - OPTIONAL

Rumley, Crickett  Never Sit Down in a Hoopskirt and Other Things I learned in Southern Belle Hell.  296 pages.  Egmont, 2011. $8.99 Language: PG-13 (30 swears; 40 Gods); Mature Content: PG-13 (under-age drinking and smoking-including DUI); Violence: G.  Jane grew up in a lovely family, but when her mother died her dad left Jane to bury himself in work.  Jane ended up attending multiple boarding schools and continued to get kicked out of them to get the attention of her father.  Eventually Jane ends up back home in the South, where she lives with her grandmother and becomes a Magnolia Maid.  Magnolia Maids are supposed to represent the traditional roles of the South, but Jane likes to spice things up.  She becomes friends with the other maids, but her antics start to affect all the girls and they get some negative attention.  

The character is likable, although sometimes inconsistent.  The swearing and under-age drinking and smoking was disappointing and took away from the book.  Also, the romance that was built up the whole book, felt rushed at the end. HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer-C. Peterson.

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