
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine - ESSENTIAL

Levine, Kristin Lions of Little Rock, 297 p. Putnam’s (Penguin), 2012.  $17.  Violence: PG (bombing, racial tension), Language: G (one swear),  Mature Content: G.  Last year Little Rock Central High School was integrated.  This year the high school is closed – no students are allowed, only teachers are coming to the building, compelled by the federal government.  Marlee, 12, is at the middle school, but her older sister, Judy, is sent away to an aunt’s so that she can still get an education.  Marlee is a very quiet person, but when she meets Liz, a new girl, she starts to find her courage.  But Liz is a colored girl, trying to pass as white, and when her secret is discovered, she disappears overnight.  Marlee is going to have to find her voice – just like the more accepting people of Little Rock, the quiet ones, will have to stop letting the noisy, the violent, the rabble rousers, speak for the entire town.  
Even though the main character is young, I think any 7th grade or 8th grade teacher needs to look at this as a good choice for a new class novel.  Likewise, if you have students who read historical fiction, this is a must have selection.  EL, MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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