
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Layout & Background by Disney - ADVISABLE

Layout & Background (Walt Disney Animation Studios: The Archive Series), 279 p. Disney/Hyperion, 2011.  $50.  A book of few words – but LOTS of gorgeous full color photos – following the history of Disney animation from Winter Storage in 1949 and 2011’s Winnie the Pooh.  But this unique book looks specifically at the power of the backgrounds – the layout for the action. 

I started at the back – with the movies that were most familiar to me  - and moved my way to the front – to the movies that came out well before I was born.  What really amazed me was how much of the older pictures I recognized any way – just from the backdrop.  While this pricey book is probably not a good buy for a school – unless you have an animation class or a high level art class, a public library would be a great place for this and it would be good for any gifting opportunity for a Disney-fanatic. PUBLIC, GIFT – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher

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